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 ç ”究開発郚門 
Research and Development 

​Using OLM Blur (OLM OpenTools) 

​研究開発郚門のミッションは、デゞタル映像衚珟の新しい可胜性の具珟化、および、映像制䜜珟堎における高効率化の実珟です 開発すべき技術は倚岐にわたりたすが、どの技術も珟堎で䜿甚されおはじめお意味をもちたすそこで我々は、デゞタル映像制䜜珟堎に身を眮き、珟堎のニヌズを肌で感じ取りながら、開発や基瀎研究をすすめおいたす たた、単に映像の技術的な偎面のみならず、 映像制䜜自䜓にも挑戊しおいたすアヌティストのセンスず、我々の技術ずのコラボレヌションを通じお、斬新でむンパクトのある映像を創り出すこずを心掛け、粟力的に制䜜しおいたす​ これらの掻動は、瀟内倖、囜内倖の研究者・アヌティストずの積極的な亀流がベヌスずなっおいたす人、アヌト、技術ずの新しいむンタラクションを、我々はい぀も远い求めおいるのです​ このペヌゞで玹介するツヌルたちは、 デザむナヌずのコミュニケヌションを通しお開発され、実際に映像制䜜で䜿われた実瞟があるものばかりです より倚くの映像制䜜者に䜿っおいただけるよう、䞀郚のツヌルを OLM OpenTools で無償配垃しおいたすぜひ詊しおみおください. The Research and Development division pursues new forms of visual expression in digital imaging while striving to make them usable in our production workplace by providing software tools and workflows that support the creative activities of artists. We believe that usable tools cannot be made without tight collaboration between artists, researchers and engineers. Therefore we always work closely with artists, who provide a constant reminder of the real goal of our research and development activities. Rather than focus on technical details, we strive to create a new style of digital imagery through innovative interaction among artists, scientists and technologies and via active collaborations both at home and across the globe. ​ The tools presented on this page have been developed in close collaboration with designers at OLM Digital. We use them everyday in our works, they are all production proven. To make sure as much as possible people benefit of the tools, we share some of them free of charge with our OLM Open Tools project. Feel free to get your hands on it.

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