SIGGRAPH2013 プロダクションセッション に登場します.
また ジョブフェア にも出展し国内外から多くの人材を募集しますので是非ご応募ください!
Production Session
2013年7月24日(水) 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Anaheim Convention Center
OLM Digital Presents the Anime Spirit: From Pokémon, Pac-Man to Live Action Films
OLM Digital will showcase a variety of anime styles through their recent works including 2D/3D hybrid anime, S3D anime, 3DCG and live action films, while demonstrating the unique techniques behind them.
Yasuhiro Mikami (CGI Director OLM Digital), Masashi Kobayashi (CGI Producer OLM Digital), Moto Sakakibara (CEO and Creative Director Sprite Animation Studios), Ken Anjyo (R&D Supervisor OLM Digital)